Fra den første Juli vil vores leads scanning-feature blive opdateret. Både vores applikation og i selve eventcenteret.
Den nye applikation får en mere moderne navigering, i stedet for de gamle faneblade, men med alle de samme features. Den vil på App Store og på Google Play få navnet “Eventbuizz Lead Scanner 2.0” i den første periode, så det er let at afkode om brugere har den korrekte version.
I Eventcenteret vil valget mellem standalone og Udstiller Portal-baseret leadscanning være bragt helt i front, når i første gang går ind i Leads-sektionen. Komplet med forklaring om de to forskellige funktionaliteter. Når valget er foretaget, vil kun de relevante indstillinger vises i Eventcenteret.
Vi glæder os til at i alle ser hvor let og brugervenligt det kan være, at tilbyde Leadscanning til jeres arrangement.
Lead scanning gets an update
From the first of July our Lead scanning is getting a complete update. Both the app and in the Eventcenter.
The new app will get a more modern navigation, doing away with the tab based navigation but retaining all features, and even adding a few new ones. On the App Store and Google Play the new app will be called “Eventbuizz Lead Scanner 2.0” for the first period, making it easy for our users to make sure they have the new version installed.
In the Eventcentre the choice between standalone and exhibitor portal based leadscanning has been brought to the forefront of the leads section. Once the choice is made, only relevant settings for your choice will be shown. We are looking forward to you all seeing the new and improved user experience.