Create badge

Use Eventbuizz to create and print your badges. Easily set up and print directly from a pdf. We also offer other badge solutions, such as creating plastic badges, created on the fly when attendees are checked in to your event. Contact us directly to hear more about prizes and set up.

NEW! You are now able to insert a badge link in your attendees registration confirmation, so they can print their badge before they arrive. See a guide for this at the end of the article.

Go to Badges to get started:


Design your badge


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Give your badge a name – the name will not be visible, it is for your record only. Choose a template that fits you or create your own.

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Start designing your badge. Beside attendee data, you can insert background image, logo, color and QR code.

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When the badge is ready, you can save your work for later or click save as pdf to move to preview or printing.

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Choose if you are using the event data to fill in the information on your badges or upload data through a csv file.

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If you use the event data, select the event you are making badges for and also choose if the badge is for all attendees or maybe certain sponsor/exhibitors etc.

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Select which badges should be issued.

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Adjust settings according to your paper and printer.

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Below you have the above details specified to help you make it accurate.

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Once settings are done – check out the preview and print if you are ready.

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You can find the badge template you have created here:

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Insert badge link to email template

Once you have designed your badge, you can create the badge link for your attendees, so they can print their own badge before the event.

Choose from the list ‘Email template’ which badge you want to use.

When you have chosen the badge, you will see a preview of the badge. If you need to make corrections, you can click ‘edit badges template’.

Click ‘Save’ when you are done.

The badge link can be inserted in the following email templates:

Registration verification (Free registration events)

Free registration (Free registration events with registration items)

App invite (Billing registration events or sent from attendees list)

You find the badge link in the list of Dynamic fields at the bottom of the email template. Insert the link in the email template.

When attendees receive the email it will look like this:

When attendees click the link, a pdf will open and they can now print the badge.