If you have a program where all attendees are not following the same program sessions, you can choose to assign the attendees to the relevant program sessions and only activating ‘My program’ in the app. This way each attendee sees their own personal program in the app – instead of the full program.
There are two ways to assign attendees to program sessions – either manually or by importing a csv file – which one you prefer, will probably depend on the total amount of attendees you want to assign.
Assign manually
Go to the relevant program session, click -> Attach attendee
Assign all the relevant attendees, either by scrolling down, searching or select all. Finish by clicking Assign
If you only want to keep the attendees program personal, then you deactivate ‘Program’ from the app and activate ‘My program’. Remember to assign everybody to all the common sessions, or else they wont be able to see these sessions in ‘My program’.
Native app – if you are using the native app – then remember to set the settings for ‘my program’ under ‘Program settings’:
Assign by importing a csv file
In order to assign by importing a csv file, you need to have the program id’s. You extract these by exporting your program.
Each program session has its unique program id.
You are now ready to create your csv file (Excel sheet, saved as the format CSV). To get the email addresses of the attendees, you can export your attendees list, and sort them so you can easily copy/paste.
Make one column called ‘Email’ and one called ‘ID’. You can either make one sheet per program session if you like – or you just do as below, keep adding as many emails/id’s in the same sheet – it’s faster to do it this way, since you only have to upload the file one time.
When your file is ready, you can now import the file here:
Before the file can be updated, you just need to ‘map’ your information – telling the system that ’email’ is equal to ‘attendee email’ and ID is equal to ‘Program id’.
Your file is now successfully imported.
If you only want to keep the attendees program personal, then you deactivate ‘Program’ from the app and activate ‘My program’. Remember to assign everybody to all the common sessions, or else they wont be able to see these sessions in ‘My program’.
Native app – if you are using the native app – then remember to set the settings for ‘my program’ under ‘Program settings’: